Week 1: Welcome, Introductory Chapter & Quiz
- Week 1: Welcome, Introductory Chapter & Quiz
- Week 2: Prehistoric Art & Quiz
- Week 3: Art of the Ancient Near East & Quiz
- Week 4: Art of Ancient Egypt & Quiz
- Week 5: Art of Ancient Aegean & Art of Ancient Greece
- Week 6: Etruscan and Roman Art & Quiz
- Week 7: Jewish, Early Christian, and Byzantine Art & Quiz
- Week 8: Islamic Art
- Week 9: Art of South and Southeast Asia Before 1200
- Week 10: Midterm Exam
- Week 11: Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 & Quiz
- Week 12: Japanese Art Before 1333 & Art of the Americas Before 1300
- Week 13: Early African Art & Early Medieval Art in Europe
- Week 14: Romanesque Art & Gothic Art of the 12th and 13th Centuries
- Week 15: 14th Century Art in Europe & Quiz
- Week 16: Final Exam
- Week 1: Welcome, Introductory Chapter & QuizReview Assignment
- Week 2: Prehistoric Art & QuizReview Assignment
- Week 3: Art of the Ancient Near East & QuizReview Assignment
- Week 4: Art of Ancient Egypt & QuizReview Assignment
- Week 5: Art of Ancient Aegean & Art of Ancient GreeceReview Assignment
- Week 6: Etruscan and Roman Art & QuizReview Assignment
- Week 7: Jewish, Early Christian, and Byzantine Art & QuizReview Assignment
- Week 8: Islamic ArtReview Assignment
- Week 9: Art of South and Southeast Asia Before 1200Review Assignment
- Week 10: Midterm ExamReview Assignment
- Week 11: Chinese and Korean Art Before 1279 & QuizReview Assignment
- Week 12: Japanese Art Before 1333 & Art of the Americas Before 1300Review Assignment
- Week 13: Early African Art & Early Medieval Art in EuropeReview Assignment
- Week 14: Romanesque Art & Gothic Art of the 12th and 13th CenturiesReview Assignment
- Week 15: 14th Century Art in Europe & QuizReview Assignment
- Week 16: Final ExamReview Assignment