- Preface
- Fundamentals
- Operators
- Strings
- Collections
- Control Flow
- Functions
- Closures
- Enumerations
- Structures & Classes
- Properties
- Initialization
- Methods
- Conclusion
- Introduction to SwiftLesson
- Introduction to FundamentalsLesson
- Constants and VariablesLesson
- Comments and SemicolonsLesson
- NumbersLesson
- BooleansLesson
- Type Alias and Type SafetyLesson
- TuplesLesson
- if StatementsLesson
- OptionalsLesson
- Fundamentals QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to OperatorsLesson
- Assignment OperatorLesson
- Arithmetic OperatorsLesson
- Compound Assignment OperatorLesson
- Comparison OperatorsLesson
- Ternary Conditional OperatorLesson
- Nil-Coalescing OperatorLesson
- Logical OperatorsLesson
- Operators QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to StringsLesson
- String LiteralsLesson
- Special CharactersLesson
- ConcatenationLesson
- ComparisonLesson
- Strings QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to CollectionsLesson
- ArraysLesson
- Creating an ArrayLesson
- Combining ArraysLesson
- Array Access and ModificationLesson
- SetLesson
- Set Access and ModificationLesson
- DictionaryLesson
- Dictionary Access and ModificationLesson
- Collections QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to Control FlowLesson
- For-InLesson
- WhileLesson
- SwitchLesson
- Control Transfer StatementsLesson
- GuardLesson
- Control Flow QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to FunctionsLesson
- Defining & Calling FunctionsLesson
- Parameter Names and Argument LabelsLesson
- Functions QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to ClosuresLesson
- Closure ExpressionsLesson
- Trailing ClosuresLesson
- Capturing and Reference SemanticsLesson
- Closures QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to EnumerationsLesson
- Enumeration SyntaxLesson
- Switch Statements and EnumsLesson
- Associated ValuesLesson
- Raw ValuesLesson
- Enumerations QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to Structures and ClassesLesson
- Structures vs. ClassesLesson
- Definition SyntaxLesson
- Introduction to PropertiesLesson
- Stored PropertiesLesson
- Computed PropertiesLesson
- Property ObserversLesson
- Type PropertiesLesson
- Properties QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to InitializationLesson
- Custom InitializersLesson
- Default InitializersLesson
- Memberwise InitializersLesson
- Failable InitializersLesson
- Initialization QuizMastery Quiz
- Introduction to MethodsLesson
- Instance MethodsLesson
- Type MethodsLesson
- Methods QuizMastery Quiz
- Continuing the JourneyLesson